Seven: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker is a new book on Acorn's shelf.
Hatmaker takes seven months to intentionally focus on seven areas of
life: clothes, shopping, waste, food, possessions, media, and
stress. The book reads like a blog where the author writes about her
reflections about each area, how much she has been shaped by each area, and how
she takes deliberate action to cut out the excess in her life. She uses
this experiment to think about how the average American has so much excess,
especially compared to the rest of the world. She considers how her
excess has interfered with her relationship with God and with others.
Although some of her ideas may be considered radical or extreme, this book does
offer ways to reflect on one's own thoughtless excesses in life, why and how to
cut back, and how to generously give to others.
Youth Services Department